
Applications Now Open: Up to $5,000 for Home Repairs Available for up to 5 Local Homes

November 18, 2024

Linked below is the Greater Blessings program application to request assistance with health/safety home repairs costing up to $5,000 in materials and professional labor. This program is intended for low income homeowners, often elderly or disabled. There are no official loan documents with this program, however, the homeowner is asked to repay over time and these payments stay in the community to assist other families.

Specific eligibility requirements/considerations for applicants are subject to change and covered in the application process, however, can be summarized as the following:

  • Home getting repaired is owned and occupied by the applicant 
  • Applicant need (e.g., income no more than 50% of local area Average Median Income) 
  • Willingness to partner (volunteer/participation from applicant and/or applicant’s family/sponsors)
  • Willingness and ability to repay costs over time, on terms they can afford, with no interest charged

Eligible and interested applicants are asked to complete the application, sign it, and mail it to:

Fuller Center for Housing of the Detroit Lakes Area P.O. Box 1472, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Once we receive your application someone will contact you by phone to let you know we received it. Please remember that we are a volunteer organization and our ability to accept and fund applications depends on donations and volunteers to help complete Greater Blessings projects. Thank you for your interest and please let us know if we can be of further help with your application. Feel free to call us at 218-844-5397 or email Warm regards,

Fuller Center for Housing of the Detroit Lakes Are


Greater Blessings Program Application